Dienstag, 29. Januar 2013

pure sweet liberty

This is the story about a girl dreaming of travelling the world.

I'm 20 years old, finished school two years ago. I lived in South Africa for one year working in an orphanage in Pietermaritzburg and doing some travelling in Southern Africa which has been an incredible experience.
It's just not enough. I kind of got hooked on travelling.
After 6 months being back home which is beautiful Worms, Germany -I'm being ironic, I hate that boring place- it's time for my next journey.

On the 21st February 2013 my flight goes to Bangkok, Thailand and I'll be heading 4 months of pure sweet liberty.
4 months of travelling through Southeast Asia starting in Thailand, going through Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and India -by the way as a vegan.

That's literally all I know so far. It wouldn't be liberty if I made plans.